Honoring Excellence in Ministry: William Daniels

Daniels-smWilliam Daniels was recognized for his Excellence in Ministry by his church, Manakin Episcopal Church  Bill Daniels, Senior Warden at Manakin Episcopal Church, is an extraordinary and gifted leader. His long service to the Church, not only at Manakin but at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Richmond has included a vast array of talents and skills. He has served on the Vestries of both parishes and been Senior and Junior Warden. At Good Shepherd, he was also Superintendent of the Sunday School, President of the School Board and Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee. At Manakin, he has served in a variety of leadership roles and is active in the Men of the Church and the Outreach activities of the Church. No task is beneath him, and no challenge too great. Though he prefers to serve as Junior Warden, traditionally responsible for the physical plant, he is equally competent as Senior Warden, who, as the lay leader of the Parish, shares with the Rector and Vestry in responsibility for every aspect of the Parish. Bill exemplifies the best of leadership, genuinely solicitous of the concerns and feelings of every member of the Parish with a remarkable capacity to bring out the best in every person with whom he works and worships. Fiercely loyal and dedicated to his faith and the mission of the Church, his humor and grace make the best of moments, and the most awkward, times to experience God’s love at its fullest. His Rector says that most people don’t know the extent to which he is engaged in pastoral care in the Parish, driving people to doctor’s appointments or the grocery store, fetching groceries for shut-ins, and checking up on people who can’t get to church. At Manakin’s recent Annual Meeting, his Rector extolled Bill’s virtues as a truly great leader, and called him “the best Senior Warden” with whom he has served in over thirty years of parish ministry. He also notes that he never sees Bill at Church (and he is there very often, not just on Sundays!) that Bill does not end or begin the conversation with “What can I do for you?” The question bears so much more weight because it is not a mere courtesy or conversation-maker, but is a genuine expression of what is at the heart of Bill’s character and commitment – his utter dedication to the service and leadership of the congregation.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/05/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-william-daniels/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: John Heaggans

Heaggans-smJohn Heaggans was recognized for his Excellence in Ministry by his church, Mount Zion Baptist Church (Farnham).  John had a distinguished career as a teacher, retiring after eighteen years as principal. A member of his church for more than forty years, he has served as a Deacon for 35 years, and chair of the Deacons Ministry for twenty years. Always willing to do his part, in recent years he has been the church’s only Deacon, working tirelessly in the areas of finance and budget, as Church School Superintendent, and as Treasurer for forty years. John’s gardening skills are known and appreciated by many, especially by those who enjoy his fruits and vegetables. His Pastor says of John, “There is no greater friend to the church and community than Deacon Heaggans. Mount Zion salutes him for his hard work and his dedication to excellence.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-john-heaggans/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: Courtney L. Hunter

Hunter-smCourtney L. Hunter was recognized for her Excellence in Ministry by her church, North Gayton Baptist Church. Courtney Hunter holds a BA in Education from Virginia Union University and an MA in Counselor Education from Virginia Commonwealth University. Her professional career in teaching included being teacher, administrator, and science educator in the Richmond Public Schools, then adjunct faculty in the School of Education at VCU. She is recipient of the Golden Apple award for exemplifying professional caring. In her church she served as Sunday School Superintendent, member of the Tuckahoe Sunday School Union, and has led teacher workshops. Her excitement about working with youth encouraged her to enroll in the Evan-Smith Leadership Institute of the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology (VUU) where she earned a Certificate in Religious Studies & Christian Education, an Advanced Certificate in Theological Preparation, and then returned to earn her MA in Christian Education at the School of Theology. Currently Director of Christian Education at North Gayton, she serves in several capacities but finds time to volunteer at The Resource Center. A past member of TRC’s Board of Directors, she is a member of the Working Group and provides leadership in our BoB (Big on Books) Reading Program at Northside Crusaders Baptist Church. With Psalm 119:73 as her prayer, she continues to be educator, leader, counselor – – as the Holy Spirit guides her in all phases of her life.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-courtney-l-hunter/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: Joann Kearney Jones

Jones-smJoann Kearney Jones was recognized for her Excellence in Ministry by her church, Second Baptist Church (West End). Joann is a gifted singer and Choir Director at her church where she is known for her ability to sing any of the “old-time” songs and get the audience involved. Her church says, “You name it, she can sing it – – and we have been blessed to have her share her gifts with our children and youth.” She currently co-directs the Children’s Choir with Andrea Long Wimbush. For many years the two women have taken the children and youth to the National Gospel Music Workshop of America. At Second Baptist she is also a member of the Praise Team, the Mass Choir, and The Voices of Praise. Her church says they are blessed to honor Joann and Andrea Long Wimbush for their collaboration in working “toward the common goal of assuring that Second Baptist has a strong and enduring Children’s Choir and Music Ministry.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-joann-kearney-jones/

New Life in 2013

Our life together as a resource center has been linked to theological education from our beginnings in the mid-1980s. Indeed, our stewardship of the Joseph V. Nash Multicultural Collection came to us with three stipulations: (1) that we preserve and continually update it; (2) that it always be available to the local African American community; (3) that it be located in a center of theological education.

TRC was born in DuBose Hall on the campus of Presbyterian School of Christian Education, just as the fortunes of theological education and the ecumenical movement began to wax and wane; our life as a small nonprofit soon became precarious. When PSCE federated with Union Presbyterian Seminary we lost our home and began what would be the first of five moves in the next eight years. Now the place we have called home for nearly four years – -historic Virginia Hall on the Baptist Theological Seminary campus, has been sold, and we are on the move again. BTSR has been good to us and we will be forever grateful to them.  Their President, Dr. Ron Crawford, wrote recently that the move is part of the school’s effort to seek “a more resilient future,” even as he acknowledged that “we will greatly miss brick and mortar.”  We, too, will miss the brick and mortar known as Virginia Hall!

In many ways our next move is an obvious one and, though we would not have imagined it as recently as two months ago, it feels like going home. We go to another historic building on another seminary campus: Kingsley Hall on the campus of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University.  Dean John Kinney and The School of Theology have been with us from the beginning; their financial commitment has never wavered, nor has their encouragement to their students and their many related congregations to utilize our ministry.

Joe Nash would be pleased; his beloved collection will be in a center of theological education and, because he loved the church and the inclusiveness to which the Gospel calls us, our doors will be open wide -­‐ -­‐ to the local African American community in a new and different way, and to the growing diversity of metropolitan Richmond.

We recognize, as must seminaries and the churches they serve, that while we grow attached to bricks and mortar, they do not define us. We are more than bricks and mortar. We are people engaged in ministry with other people, connecting them with teaching resources.  We’re counting on you to join us in the next leg of our journey; we welcome your prayers, your gifts, your service!

Judith FaGalde Bennett, Executive Director

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/new-life-in-2013/

A Message from Our President

Theodore TylerGreetings, Fellow Believers in God!

I feel considerably fortunate to be a part of an organization that has the potential to do so much good for so many people. Yes, The Resource Center (TRC) is just that kind of organization.  I make this boast not solely on the grounds of its many and diverse collection of resources of more than 14,000 items but, as well, the many and varied people and groups of persons to whom it offers itself.

Our hope, as we make our upcoming move to the campus of the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at VUU, is no longer to be Metro Richmond’s best-kept secret. Our prayer is, in scriptural language, to be put on a hill top, where we can be seen by all and partaken of by all. Your partnering with us, using us, and telling others about us goes far in helping TRC with our “On the Hill Top” hope.

-­‐The Rev. Theodore Tyler, President, TRC Board of Directors

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/a-message-from-our-president/

Recognize Excellence in Ministry

[important]Nominations must be made no later than October 18, 2013.  Paid reservations and Guest List must be received no later than November 1, 2013.   Thank you.[/important]

Our congregation has selected the following person to recognize for their excellence in ministry at the 2013 Celebrating Excellence in Ministry Banquet on Friday, November 15, 7:00 p.m., at the Greater Richmond Convention Center (403 North Third Street, Richmond, VA 23219).

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/nomination-form/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: Virgie M. Binford

Virgie Binford was recognized for her Excellence in Ministry by her church, All Souls Presbyterian. Dr. Binford has embodied excellence in ministry for her entire adult life, in church, school, and community. With both a BA and MA in Elementary Education from Virginia State University, she went on to focus on Early Childhood Education at Columbia University in New York City, followed by a Doctorate in Education in Administration and Supervision from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, further study at UVA and abroad in Africa, Asia and Europe – – finally earning a Ph. D. at New Hope Bible Crusade College and Seminary in Baltimore, MD. Virgie has been a classroom teacher at all levels, from early childhood to university, as well as administrator and independent consultant. She has been described as “a dynamic educator, motivational speaker, and caring individual”. Both trailblazer and groundbreaker, she is legendary across racial lines for her leadership skills, her intellectual accomplishment, and her commitment to justice and the common good. In retirement she fills her time with volunteer service in a host of community organizations, and as an ordained Elder in her church.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2013/04/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-virgie-m-binford/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: 2012

The Resource Center Presents 

Celebrating Excellence

An Evening to Honor Excellence in Ministry in Our Churches

Nominate an individual from your church by downloading and completing the Nomination Form.  Make your reservations to join your sisters and brothers in Christ at the banquet on Friday, November 16 as we honor our nominees together.  Nominations must be received by October 16 and prepaid banquet reservations must be received by November 1.

Visit our events page to learn more about the banquet or contact us for further information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2012/09/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-2012/

Honoring Excellence in Ministry: Nellie Crump-Thomas

Nellie Crump-Thomas was recognized for her Excellence in Ministry by her church, Zion Baptist Church. Nellie is known at her church for her faithfulness and dedication to the Missionary Ministry.  Her church says that she is “one of the most loving and caring people” they know, who unselfishly gives of her time, talents and resources so that others may benefit.  She often cares for the sick and the shut-ins of her church and her family, as well as others who have no one else to care for them.  She is “dedicated and committed to helping those in need.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.resourcingchurches.com/2012/07/honoring-excellence-in-ministry-nellie-crump-thomas/