Vacation Bible School Curriculum Fair 2017

Experience Tons of Great 2017 VBS Curriculum Options in One Location!

Vacation Bible School is one of the most vital teaching and learning opportunities for many congregations. Selecting curriculum for your church’s VBS program is not an easy task! Many questions are raised: How can leaders find the best resource materials from a wide array of possibilities? How can cost be contained without sacrificing quality? Is it user- friendly? Is it attractive? Will teachers – – and learners – – like it? Will real learning take place as a result?


 Cokesbury  Group  Morehouse Education  Standard Ministries Publishing

 David C. Cook    Urban Ministries, Inc.      Abingdon   And much more . . . .

Also enjoy:

  • Free sample packs for various new items
  • Free consultation to help, as requested
  • Cokesbury representative on-site to help with ordering
  • Free refreshments

Friday, February 10, 1-5 p.m.

Saturday, February 11, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

(Preview Day on Thursday, February 9, 1-4 p.m.)

At The Resource Center, Kingsley Hall, 4th floor, Virginia Union University (directions). Questions?

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Honoring Excellence in Ministry Banquet 2016

The Resource Center Presents 

Honoring Excellence Banquet 2016

An Evening to Honor Excellence in Ministry

Friday, October 21 at 7 p.m.

at the Perkins Living & Learning Center at Virginia Union University

Nominate an individual from your church by downloading and completing the nomination form. Nominations must be received by September 27. Make your reservations to join your sisters and brothers in Christ at the banquet on Friday, October 23 as we honor our nominees together. Tickets are just $50 each and a portion of the ticket price benefits The Resource Center. NEW! special discounted rate of $45/person for individuals and churches who register and pay by September 20! Prepaid banquet reservations must be received by October 11. A silent auction and door prizes, an appearance by the Inclusion Choir, and celebrating our honorees will highlight the banquet festivities.

Additionally, advertisements are being accepted for the banquet program. Ad sizes refer to a 5.5″ by 8.5″ page size. Download and complete this banquet ad packet and submit along with copy-ready ad and payment by October 10.

Visit our events page to learn more about the banquet or contact us for further information.

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Teachers’ Toolbox 2016

Teachers and educational leaders in local congregations need both a love of God and a “toolbox” of teaching tools. Without either, the important work of making disciples can fall short. Teachers’ Toolbox is designed to help build that toolbox! Whether you’re a brand new teacher or have been teaching for awhile, you’ll gain useful tools to strengthen your ministry!

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Dr. Nathaniel West will focus his plenary presentation on the “who” of the teacher. To lead effectively and navigate the teaching and learning environment, educators need a keen awareness of who they are as human beings and persons of faith. This session will explore the importance of “being” and its impact on one’s “doing,” encouraging teachers to acknowledge, understand, and embrace the self that teaches.

Dr. West is Director of Formation and Assistant Professor of Christian Education at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. An interactive time of dialogue will follow the plenary presentation where participants can share insights and ask questions.

In addition, you’ll choose from four workshops with ideas and strategies for teaching and learning that transform rather than simply informing! Workshop topics to be announced soon.

Teachers’ Toolbox is co-sponsored by The Resource Center, Presbytery of the James Resource Center Purpose Group, and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. We are grateful to our host congregation for their hospitality:

Good Shepherd Baptist Church, 1127 N. 28th Street, Richmond, Virginia

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.; concludes at 12:30 p.m.

Register ONLINE to reserve your space. Registration is just $25/person for up to four from the same congregation. Five or more from the same congregation may register at the discounted rate of $20/person! Continental breakfast and refreshment break included with registration. Lunch is on your own—grab a bite nearby and share ideas with new friends!

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STREAM Youth Theology Institute at Virginia Union University

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STREAM 2016 is an intense 9 days of conversation, discovery, exploration – plus food, faith, and fun – on the campus of Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia. Click here for participant application and program information. Don’t let money keep you from applying! Scholarships available.

To apply, first you need to send an email ASAP to to let us know your intent to apply. Then complete the participant application, answer a couple of brief questions, and get two grown-ups to complete references for you. Scan and email the application no later than May 1 to or mail the application to the address in the participant application packet. We’re happy to answer questions – email and include a phone number so we can call you back!

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Vacation Bible School Curriculum Fair 2016

Experience Tons of Great 2016 VBS Curriculum Options in One Location!

Vacation Bible School is one of the most vital teaching and learning opportunities for many congregations. Selecting curriculum for your church’s VBS program is not an easy task! Many questions are raised: How can leaders find the best resource materials from a wide array of possibilities? How can cost be contained without sacrificing quality? Is it user- friendly? Is it attractive? Will teachers – – and learners – – like it? Will real learning take place as a result?


 Cokesbury  Group  Morehouse Education  Standard Ministries Publishing

David C. Cook    Urban Ministries, Inc.    And much more . . . .

Also enjoy:

  • Free sample packs for various new items
  • Free consultation to help, as requested
  • Cokesbury representative on-site to help with ordering
  • Free refreshments

Friday, February 12, 1-5 p.m.

Saturday, February 13, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

(Preview Day on Thursday, February 11, 1-4 p.m.)

At The Resource Center, Kingsley Hall, 4th floor, Virginia Union University (directions). Questions?

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Being Church Across Generations/Teaching Excellence Colleague Forum April 23

The Being Church Across Generations event at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University is partnering with The Resource Center’s rescheduled Teaching Excellence Colleague Forum for what promises to be an amazing learning opportunity on Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. This event brings together the region’s most capable and thoughtful pastors, lay people, and Christian educators for a one day forum based in evocative scholarship to wrestle with its implications for our work in faith formation across generations.

FergusonAndFaith_cover_finalOur first plenary presenter for this unique event is Dr. Leah Gunning Francis, leahgunningfrancis150x150Assistant Professor of Christian Education and Associate Dean for Contextual Education at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Over the last two years, she has been active in the faithful response of churches and individuals to the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Important research emerged from her involvement which became a volume entitled, Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership and Awakening Community, published by Chalice Press last summer. Ideas from this research will serve as the jumping off point for our dialogue together on April 23.

Our second plenary presenter is Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, executive director of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, ABC-USA.  Dr. Haggray brings more than twenty years of pastoral ministry experience in the local church along Haggray Jeffrey CROPPED_200wwith another decade of judicatory leadership to his role. More importantly, he brings a passion for developing and implementing creative strategies that express God’s love and concern for all people. From his vantage point as lead visionary for the many domestic ministry partnerships that comprise the American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ work, Dr. Haggray brings a unique perspective on the challenging journey of Being Church Across Generations to which we are called.

The event will begin at Coburn Chapel on the campus of Virginia Union University for a time of worship during which Dr. Haggray will be the preacher. Following worship, we will relocate to the Wilder Library first floor lecture hall for the remainder of our program. Both facilities are handicap accessible. Participants will also chose from three engaging workshops, including a session by Dr. Gunning Francis that focuses on the implications of her research for teaching and learning. Cost for this amazing day of learning together is just $60 with lunch and breaks included.

ACT NOW: early bird discounted registration of just $50 for those who register on or before April 15!

Click here to register or contact us with questions!

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Graduate Writing Center hosted by The Resource Center

The Graduate Writing Center is a learning support service for current students of the School of Theology at Virginia Union. The goal of the Graduate Writing Center is to assist students at every stage of the writing process from developing an idea to putting the finishing touches on an excellent paper or project. Staff of GWC do this by providing critical feedback and instruction about organization, structure, grammar, citation, and other essential elements necessary for clear and concise writing.

To schedule an appointment for consultation, please use this appointment link. Appointments take place at The Resource Center, Kingsley Hall, 4th Floor.

Workshops are also offered regularly at no charge for graduate students in various aspects of writing. The following workshops are scheduled for the Fall term:

Grammar and Citations         October 2GWCgraphicWebsite
Research and Technology    October 30
Writing Construction I             November 6
Writing Construction II            November 20

Workshops will be held at the Library.

If you have questions about the Graduate Writing Center, please email

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Honoring Excellence in Ministry Banquet 2015

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The Resource Center Presents 

Honoring Excellence Banquet 2015

An Evening to Honor Excellence in Ministry

Friday, October 23 at 7 p.m.

at the Perkins Living & Learning Center at Virginia Union University

Nominate an individual from your church by downloading and completing the nomination form. Nominations must be received by September 28. Make your reservations to join your sisters and brothers in Christ at the banquet on Friday, October 23 as we honor our nominees together. Tickets are just $50 each and a portion of the ticket price benefits The Resource Center. NEW! special discounted rate of $45/person for individuals and churches who register and pay by September 23! Prepaid banquet reservations must be received by October 12. A silent auction and door prizes, an appearance by the Inclusion Choir, and celebrating our honorees will highlight the banquet festivities.

Additionally, advertisements are being accepted for the banquet program. Ad sizes refer to a 5.5″ by 8.5″ page size. Download and complete this banquet ad packet and submit along with copy-ready ad and payment by October 12.

Visit our events page to learn more about the banquet or contact us for further information.

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Teachers’ Toolbox 2015

Teachers and educational leaders in local congregations need both a love of God and a “toolbox” of teaching tools. Without either, the important work of making disciples can fall short. Teachers’ Toolbox is designed to help build that toolbox! Whether you’re a brand new teacher or have been teaching for awhile, you’ll gain useful tools to strengthen your ministry!

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Dr. Adam Bond will share insights from his new book, Church on Purpose: Reinventing Discipleship, Community, and Justice, a collection of big ideas from emerging Christian leaders passionately committed to the ministry of the local church – and deeply invested in congregations’ ability to adapt with new generations. Dr. Bond is director of the Center for Lifelong Learning and Associate Professor of Historical Studies at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. An interactive time of dialogue will follow the plenary presentation where participants can share insights and ask questions.

In addition, you’ll choose from four workshops with ideas and strategies for teaching and learning that transform rather than simply informing! Workshop topics to be announced soon.

Teachers’ Toolbox is co-sponsored by The Resource Center, Presbytery of the James Resource Center Purpose Group, and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. We are grateful to our host congregation for their hospitality:

Laurel Presbyterian Church, 9675 Staples Mill Road, Glen Allen, Virginia

Saturday, September 26 2015

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.; concludes at 12:30 p.m.

Register ONLINE to reserve your space. Registration is just $25/person for up to four from the same congregation. Five or more from the same congregation may register at the discounted rate of $20/person! Morning refreshment break included with registration. Lunch is on your own—grab a bite nearby and share ideas with new friends!

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2015 INCLUSION Concert

edited for flyerINCLUSION, a choir embodying The Resource Center’s vision of unity in diversity, will present its annual concert on Sunday afternoon, Aoril 26th, 4 p.m. at Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church, 2010 Carlisle Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.

Grayland Snead and Randy Creath serve as musical directors for this festival event, with singers drawn from a number of area congregations and various denominations. Special guests musical and other performance groups have been invited to participate, as well.

Music will include selections from a mix of styles, ranging from classics to contemporary, gospel to traditional hymns, and listeners will be invited to sing along for some selections.  Anyone interested in singing with the choir is invited to contact The Resource Center for rehearsal information.

There is no charge for the concert but a love offering will be received, with all proceeds to benefit the ministry of The Resource Center.

Directions: To get to Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church, from I-64, exit at Laburnum South and proceed to Williamsburg Road (Rt 60). Make a right onto Williamsburg Road and continue to Randall Road (if you come to Government Road, you’ve gone three blocks too far). Make a right onto Randall Road and go two blocks where you will see the church on the corner ahead of you. There is ample parking in the church’s parking lot.

Contact us for further information.

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