The Resource Center Presents
Honoring Excellence Banquet 2016
An Evening to Honor Excellence in Ministry
Friday, October 21 at 7 p.m.
at the Perkins Living & Learning Center at Virginia Union University
Nominate an individual from your church by downloading and completing the nomination form. Nominations must be received by September 27. Make your reservations to join your sisters and brothers in Christ at the banquet on Friday, October 23 as we honor our nominees together. Tickets are just $50 each and a portion of the ticket price benefits The Resource Center. NEW! special discounted rate of $45/person for individuals and churches who register and pay by September 20! Prepaid banquet reservations must be received by October 11. A silent auction and door prizes, an appearance by the Inclusion Choir, and celebrating our honorees will highlight the banquet festivities.
Additionally, advertisements are being accepted for the banquet program. Ad sizes refer to a 5.5″ by 8.5″ page size. Download and complete this banquet ad packet and submit along with copy-ready ad and payment by October 10.
Visit our events page to learn more about the banquet or contact us for further information.