William Daniels was recognized for his Excellence in Ministry by his church, Manakin Episcopal Church Bill Daniels, Senior Warden at Manakin Episcopal Church, is an extraordinary and gifted leader. His long service to the Church, not only at Manakin but at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Richmond has included a vast array of talents and skills. He has served on the Vestries of both parishes and been Senior and Junior Warden. At Good Shepherd, he was also Superintendent of the Sunday School, President of the School Board and Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee. At Manakin, he has served in a variety of leadership roles and is active in the Men of the Church and the Outreach activities of the Church. No task is beneath him, and no challenge too great. Though he prefers to serve as Junior Warden, traditionally responsible for the physical plant, he is equally competent as Senior Warden, who, as the lay leader of the Parish, shares with the Rector and Vestry in responsibility for every aspect of the Parish. Bill exemplifies the best of leadership, genuinely solicitous of the concerns and feelings of every member of the Parish with a remarkable capacity to bring out the best in every person with whom he works and worships. Fiercely loyal and dedicated to his faith and the mission of the Church, his humor and grace make the best of moments, and the most awkward, times to experience God’s love at its fullest. His Rector says that most people don’t know the extent to which he is engaged in pastoral care in the Parish, driving people to doctor’s appointments or the grocery store, fetching groceries for shut-ins, and checking up on people who can’t get to church. At Manakin’s recent Annual Meeting, his Rector extolled Bill’s virtues as a truly great leader, and called him “the best Senior Warden” with whom he has served in over thirty years of parish ministry. He also notes that he never sees Bill at Church (and he is there very often, not just on Sundays!) that Bill does not end or begin the conversation with “What can I do for you?” The question bears so much more weight because it is not a mere courtesy or conversation-maker, but is a genuine expression of what is at the heart of Bill’s character and commitment – his utter dedication to the service and leadership of the congregation.
Honoring Excellence in Ministry: William Daniels
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